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} else if ( currentUrl !== "https://www.fixitfaster.com/Signup-finder/?invite=" + newlogin && currentUrl && !currentUrl.includes( "https://www.fixitfaster.com/Signup-fixer/?invite=" + newlogin ) ) { window.location.href = "https://www.fixitfaster.com/Signup-finder/?invite=" + newlogin; } } }); } }, function (error) { if ( currentUrl !== "https://www.fixitfaster.com/Signup-fixer/?invite=" + newlogin ) { window.location.href = "https://www.fixitfaster.com/Signup-fixer/?invite=" + newlogin; } setTimeout(function () { if (invites && invites[0] && invites[0].get("email")) { $("#fixer_email").val(invites[0].get("email")); console.log(invites[0].get("email")); } else { $("#fixer_email").val(""); } }, 1000); } ); } }); } } const FACEBOOK_APP_ID = "948832961970843"; const SERVER_URL = "https://api.fixitfaster.com/parse"; const PARSE_JAVASCRIPT_KEY = "mmPb4Iwr7f34fPH2Wk0DtzfwPmAYF6XD6fSTFxFT"; Parse.initialize(PARSE_APP_ID, PARSE_JAVASCRIPT_KEY); function checkLoginState() { FB.getLoginStatus(function (response) { statusChangeCallback(response); }); } function statusChangeCallback(response) { if (response.status === "connected") { fb_login(); } else { document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = "Please log " + "into this webpage."; } } window.fbAsyncInit = function () { Parse.FacebookUtils.init({ appId: FACEBOOK_APP_ID, cookie: true, status: true, xfbml: true, version: "v1.0", }); // FB.getLoginStatus(function (response) { // if (response.status === 'connected') { // statusChangeCallback(response); // // getFbUserData(); // } // }); }; (function (d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) { return; } js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); })(document, "script", "facebook-jssdk"); var authRes; jQuery(document).on("click", "#fbLink", function (event) { fb_login(); }); function fb_login() { FB.login( function (response) { if (response.authResponse) { getFbUserData(response.authResponse); } else { document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = "User cancelled login or did not fully authorize."; } }, { scope: "email", auth_type: "reauthorize" } ); } async function fbLogic(response) { var linkedMobile = $("#linkedMobile").val(); if (!linkedMobile) { /*alert("Please provide your Phone Number.");*/ return false; } try { var userObject = Parse.Object.extend("_User"); var userQuery = new Parse.Query(userObject); userQuery.include("user"); userQuery.include("referrer_1"); if (response.email) { userQuery.equalTo("email", response.email); } else { userQuery.equalTo("facebookId", response.id); } var isNewUser = false; var parseUser = await userQuery.first(); var authData = { id: response.id, access_token: response.authResponse.accessToken, expiration_date: response.authResponse.data_access_expiration_time, }; if (!parseUser) { await createNewUser(response, response.authResponse); isNewUser = true; } else if (parseUser && !parseUser.get("facebookId")) { await linkToUser(response, response.authResponse); await Parse.FacebookUtils.logIn(authData); } else { await Parse.FacebookUtils.logIn(authData); } var currentUser = Parse.User.current(); currentUser.set("mobileNumber", linkedMobile); await currentUser.save(); setTimeout(function () { if (currentUser) { $(".loaderSection").css("display", "block"); window.location.href = window.location.origin + "/console"; return; } }, 500); return { user: currentUser && currentUser.toJSON(), isNewUser }; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return; } } function getFbUserData(authResponse) { var currentUser = Parse.User.current(); if (currentUser && currentUser.get("userType") !== "Non-trader") { localStorage.clear(); Parse.User.logOut(); } if (!currentUser) { localStorage.clear(); } var userObject = Parse.Object.extend("_User"); var userQuery = new Parse.Query(userObject); FB.api( "/me", { locale: "en_US", fields: "id,first_name,last_name,email,locale,picture,permissions", }, async function (response) { if ( response.email == "" || response.email == null || response.email == undefined ) { $("#emailModal").modal("show"); fbResponse = response; fbResponse.authResponse = authResponse; } else { $("#linkedEmail").val(response.email); $("#linkedEmail").prop("disabled", true); if (response.phoneNumber) { $("#linkedMobile").val(response.phoneNumber); } else { $("#emailModal").modal("show"); } fbResponse = response; fbResponse.authResponse = authResponse; fbLogic(response); } } ); } $(document).on("submit", "#linkedEmailForm", function (e) { $("#linkedEmailForm .btn-primary").attr("disabled", true); e.preventDefault(); var linkedEmail = $("#linkedEmail").val(), linkedMobile = $("#linkedMobile").val(); setTimeout(function () { $("#linkedEmailForm .btn-primary").attr("disabled", false); }, 1000); if (linkedEmail === "") { alert("email is required."); return false; } if (!validateEmail(linkedEmail)) { alert("please enter a valid email address"); return false; } if (linkedMobile === "") { alert("mobile number is required."); return false; } fbResponse.email = linkedEmail; fbResponse.phoneNumber = linkedMobile; fbLogic(fbResponse); }); async function linkToUser(response, authResponse) { var name = response.first_name + " " + response.last_name; var params = { email: response.email, id: response.id, token: authResponse.accessToken, name: name, expires: authResponse.expiresIn, }; const req = await fetch(SERVER_URL + "/functions/facebook", { method: "POST", headers: { "X-Parse-Application-Id": PARSE_APP_ID, "X-Parse-REST-API-Key": PARSE_REST_API_KEY, "X-Parse-Javascript-Key": PARSE_JAVASCRIPT_KEY, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(params), }); // const requestResponse = await facebook(response, authResponse); return req; } async function createNewUser(response, authResponse) { var fbrefcode = $("#finder-signup-new #referral").val(); var authData = { id: response.id, access_token: authResponse.accessToken, expiration_date: authResponse.data_access_expiration_time, }, linkedMobile = $("#linkedMobile").val(); try { await Parse.FacebookUtils.logIn(authData); // await Parse.FacebookUtils.logIn(authData); var currentUser = Parse.User.current(); if (currentUser) { try { var name = response.first_name + " " + response.last_name; var username = response.email ? response.email : response.name; /*var fbProfilePicUrl = response.pictute.data.url; console.log(fbProfilePicUrl);*/ console.log(response); currentUser.set("email", response.email); currentUser.set("username", username); currentUser.set("name", name); currentUser.set("facebookId", response.id); /*currentUser.set("profilePhoto", fbProfilePicUrl);*/ currentUser.set("userType", "Non-trader"); currentUser.set("isAppInstalled", true); currentUser.set("deviceType", "pc-google"); currentUser.set("referredBy", "FIX25"); /*if (fbrefcode) { currentUser.set("referredBy", fbrefcode); } else { currentUser.set("referredBy", ""); }*/ currentUser.set("mobileNumber", linkedMobile); localStorage.setItem("isNewUser", true); window.location.href = window.location.origin + "/console"; await currentUser.save(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); alert( e.message ? e.message : "Something went wrong, please try again" ); $("#finder-signup-new #trail-btn").attr("disabled", false); } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } $(document).on("click", '#login-form button[type="submit"]', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); var email = $("#login-form #form-field-email").val(); var password = $("#login-form #form-field-password").val(); // $(this).attr('disabled', true) Parse.User.logIn(email.toLowerCase(), password).then( function (user) { $(this).attr("disabled", false); if (user) { if (user.get("isActive") === false) { logInEmail = email; LogInPassword = password; user = null; Parse.User.logOut(); //alert('Your account is currently deactivated.Please contact administrator.'); $("#deactivateModalalert").modal("show"); $("#login-form #form-field-email").val(""); $("#login-form #form-field-password").val(""); } else { window.location.href = window.location.origin + "/console"; return; } } }, function (e) { $(this).attr("disabled", false); alert( e.message ? e.message : "Something went wrong, please try again" ); } ); }); // helper method to parse url function getURLParam(name, url) { if (!url) { url = window.location.href; } var results = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)").exec(url); if (!results) { return undefined; } return results[1] || undefined; } $(document).on("submit", "#login-form", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); $(document).on("click", '#fp-form button[type="submit"]', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); $(this).attr("disabled", true); var email = $("#fp-form #form-field-email").val(); var userObject = Parse.Object.extend(Parse.User), userquery = new Parse.Query(userObject); userquery.equalTo("email", email); userquery.first().then( function (user) { if (user) { if (user.get("isActive") === false) { user = null; Parse.User.logOut(); alert( "Your account is currently deactivated.Please contact administrator." ); $("#fp-form #form-field-email").val(""); $('#fp-form button[type="submit"]').attr("disabled", false); } else { Parse.User.requestPasswordReset(email, { success: function () { $("#fp-form #form-field-email").val(""); alert( "A link to reset your password has been sent. Please Check your email." ); $('#fp-form button[type="submit"]').attr("disabled", false); }, error: function (error) { alert("User not found with the given Email-Id."); $('#fp-form button[type="submit"]').attr("disabled", false); }, }); } } else { alert("User not found with the given Email-Id."); $('#fp-form button[type="submit"]').attr("disabled", false); } }, function (error) { alert(error.message); $('#fp-form button[type="submit"]').attr("disabled", false); return false; } ); }); $(document).on("submit", "#fp-form", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); if ($("#fixer-form").length > 0) { var Trades = Parse.Object.extend("Trades"), query = new Parse.Query(Trades); query.equalTo("isFeatured", true); query.ascending("name"); query.select("name"); query.limit(1000); query.find().then(function (results) { $("#form-field-fixer-services").find("option").remove(); /*var newOption = new Option('', '', false, false); $('#form-field-fixer-services').append(newOption);*/ for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { var object = results[i]; var newOption = new Option( object.get("name"), object.id, false, false ); $("#form-field-fixer-services").append(newOption).trigger("change"); } $("#form-field-fixer-services option:selected").prop("selected", false); $("#form-field-fixer-services").select2({ placeholder: "Select all that apply", maximumSelectionLength: 10, multiple: true, allowClear: true, }); setTimeout(function () { $("#form-field-fixer_serviceTypes").val(null).trigger("change"); }, 3000); }); } if ($("#fixer-form").length) { $("#fixer-form #form-field-fixer-name").attr("maxlength", 38); $("#fixer-form #form-field-fixer-business-name").attr("maxlength", 38); $("#fixer-form #form-field-fixer-password").attr("minlength", 6); $("#fixer-form #form-field-fixer-password").attr("maxlength", 20); $("#fixer-form #form-field-fixer-mobile-number").attr("minlength", 8); $("#fixer-form #form-field-fixer-mobile-number").attr("maxlength", 10); $("#fixer-form #form-field-fixer-postcode").attr("maxlength", 4); 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}); } if ($("#fixer-signup-new").length) { $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_name").attr("maxlength", 38); // $('#fixer-signup-new #form-field-fixer-business-name').attr('maxlength', 38); $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_password").attr("minlength", 6); $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_password").attr("maxlength", 20); $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_mobile_number").attr("minlength", 8); $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_mobile_number").attr("maxlength", 10); //$("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_postcode").attr("maxlength", 4); //$("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_postcode").attr("minlength", 4); $(document).on( "keyup", "#fixer-signup-new #fixer_password, #fixer-signup-new #fixer_email", function () { var value = $(this).val(); value = value.replace(/\s/g, ""); $(this).val(value); } ); $("#fixit_card").attr("minlength", 16); $("#fixit_card").attr("maxlength", 16); $("#fixit_cvc").attr("mixlength", 3); $("#fixit_cvc").attr("maxlength", 3); } if ($("#finder-signup-new").length) { $("#finder-signup-new #password").attr("minlength", 6); $("#finder-signup-new #password").attr("maxlength", 20); $("#finder-signup-new #name").attr("maxlength", 38); $(document).on( "keyup", "#finder-signup-new #password, #finder-signup-new #email", function () { var value = $(this).val(); value = value.replace(/\s/g, ""); $(this).val(value); } ); } $(document).on( "click", '#finder-signup-new button[type="submit"]', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); var email = $("#finder-signup-new #email").val(); var password = $("#finder-signup-new #password").val(); var refcode = $("#finder-signup-new #referral").val(); var name = $("#finder-signup-new #name").val(); var phonenumber = $('#finder-signup-new #mobileNumber').val(); // var postCode = $('#finder-signup-new #postCode').val(); if (name == "") { alert("Please enter your name"); return false; } if (email == "") { alert("Please enter an email to sign up"); return false; } if (!validateEmail(email)) { alert("please enter a valid email address"); return false; } if (password != "" && password.length < 8) { alert("Password should be atleast 8 characters"); return false; } if (!validatePassword(password)) { alert("*Your Password must be 8 characters long and include one uppercase letter, a number and/or special character."); return false; } if (phonenumber == "") { alert("Please enter a valid mobile number"); return false; } if (phonenumber && phonenumber.length < 8) { alert('Mobile number should be 8-10 characters'); return false; } var userObj = new Parse.User(); userObj.setUsername(email.toLowerCase().trim()); userObj.setPassword(password); userObj.set("name", name); userObj.set("email", email.toLowerCase().trim()); userObj.set("userType", "Non-trader"); if (refcode) { userObj.set("referredBy", refcode); } if(phonenumber){ userObj.set('mobileNumber', '+61' + phonenumber); } // if(postCode) { // userObj.set('postcode', postCode); // } $(this).attr("disabled", true); userObj.signUp(null, { success: function (user) { localStorage.setItem("isNewUser", true); window.location.href = window.location.origin + "/console"; }, error: function (user, e) { console.log(e); alert( e.message ? e.message : "Something went wrong, please try again" ); $("#finder-signup-new #trail-btn").attr("disabled", false); }, }); } ); $(document).on("submit", "#finder-signup-new", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); if ($("#fixer-login-form").length) { $("#fixer-login-form #form-field-fixer-yourname").attr("maxlength", 38); $("#fixer-login-form #form-field-fixer-password").attr("minlength", 6); $("#fixer-login-form #form-field-fixer-password").attr("maxlength", 20); $("#fixer-login-form #form-field-fixer-mobilenumber").attr( "minlength", 8 ); $("#fixer-login-form #form-field-fixer-mobilenumber").attr( "maxlength", 10 ); /*$("#fixer-login-form #form-field-fixer-postcode").attr("maxlength", 4); $("#fixer-login-form #form-field-fixer-postcode").attr("minlength", 4);*/ $(document).on( "keyup", "#fixer-login-form #form-field-fixer-email, #fixer-login-form #form-field-fixer-password", function () { var value = $(this).val(); value = value.replace(/\s/g, ""); $(this).val(value); } ); } $("body").on("paste", "input[type=number][maxlength]", function (event) { //catch copy and paste var ref = $(this); var regex = new RegExp("^[0-9]+$"); var maxlength = ref.attr("maxlength"); var clipboardData = event.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData("text"); var txtVal = ref.val(); //current value var filteredString = ""; var combined_input = txtVal + clipboardData; //dont forget old data for (var i = 0; i < combined_input.length; i++) { if (filteredString.length < maxlength) { if (regex.test(combined_input[i])) { filteredString += combined_input[i]; } } } setTimeout(function () { ref.val("").val(filteredString); }, 100); }); $("body").on("keypress", "input[type=number][maxlength]", function (event) { var key = event.keyCode || event.charCode; var charcodestring = String.fromCharCode(event.which); var txtVal = $(this).val(); var maxlength = $(this).attr("maxlength"); var regex = new RegExp("^[0-9]+$"); // 8 = backspace 46 = Del 13 = Enter 39 = Left 37 = right Tab = 9 if ( key == 8 || key == 46 || key == 13 || key == 37 || key == 39 || key == 9 ) { return true; } // maxlength allready reached if (txtVal.length == maxlength) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } // pressed key have to be a number if (!regex.test(charcodestring)) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } return true; }); $(document).on("click", '#fixer-form button[type="submit"]', function (e) { var businessname = $("#fixer-form #form-field-fixer-business-name").val(), type = $("#fixer-form #form-field-fixer-type").val(), fixername = $("#fixer-form #form-field-fixer_name").val(), email = $("#fixer-form #form-field-fixer-email").val(), services = $("#fixer-form #form-field-fixer-services").val(), phonenumber = $("#fixer-form #form-field-fixer-mobile-number").val(), password = $("#fixer-form #form-field-fixer-password").val(), /*postcode = $("#fixer-form #form-field-fixer-postcode").val(),*/ refcode = $("#fixer-form #form-field-form_field-fixer-refcode").val(), condition = $( '#fixer-form input[name="form_fields[fixer-condition]"]' ).is(":checked"); if (businessname === "") { alert("Please enter business name"); return false; } if (fixername === "") { alert("Please enter your name"); return false; } if (email === "") { alert("Please enter an email to sign up"); return false; } if (!validateEmail(email)) { alert("please enter a valid email address"); return false; } if (phonenumber.length < 8) { alert("Phone number should be 8-10 characters"); return false; } if (condition) { var userObj = new Parse.User(); userObj.setUsername(email.toLowerCase().trim()); userObj.setPassword(password); userObj.set("email", email.toLowerCase().trim()); userObj.set("name", fixername); userObj.set("userType", "Trader"); userObj.set("isVerified", false); userObj.set("status", "Pending"); userObj.set("isCheckedIn", false); userObj.set("mobileNumber", "+61" + phonenumber); userObj.set("companyName", businessname); if (newlogin) { userObj.set("referredBy", newlogin); } else if (refcode) { userObj.set("referredBy", refcode); } userObj.set("postcode", fixerPostCode ? fixerPostCode : '2000'); userObj.set("location", getGeoLocation(fixerPostCode ? fixerPostCode : '2000')); userObj.set("isCompany", true); var trades = []; for (var i = 0; i < services.length; i++) { trades.push({ __type: "Pointer", className: "Trades", objectId: services[i], }); } userObj.set("trades", trades); /* if(referralCode.length !== 0){ if(referralCode === "fif033" || referralCode === "FIF033" || referralCode === "Fif033"){ userObj.set("referredBy","FIF033"); } else if(referralCode === "GLENCO50" || referralCode === "glenco50" || referralCode === "Glenco50"){ userObj.set("referredBy","GLENCO50"); } else if(referralCode === "ENERGY50" || referralCode === "energy50" || referralCode === "Energy50"){ userObj.set("referredBy","ENERGY50"); } else if(referralCode === "G50" || referralCode === "g50"){ userObj.set("referredBy","G50"); } else if(referralCode === "POOLWERX" || referralCode === "poolwerx" || referralCode === "PoolWerx"){ userObj.set("referredBy","POOLWERX"); } else{ userObj.set("referredBy",referralCode.trim()); } } */ $(this).attr("disabled", true); localStorage.setItem("isFirstTimeUser", "true"); userObj.signUp(null, { success: function (data) { localStorage.removeItem("invite"); $(this).attr("disabled", false); if (data.get("location")) { data.set("locationName", getLocationName(data.get("location"))); } data.save(); }, error: function (object, error) { $(this).attr("disabled", false); $("#no-img").attr("disabled", false); if (error.code === 202) { var userquery = new Parse.Query(Parse.User); userquery.equalTo("email", object.get("email")); userquery.find().then(function (currentuser) { if (currentuser.length > 0) { if (currentuser[0].get("isActive") === false) { Parse.User.logOut(); alert( "Your account is deactivated Please contact administrator at team@fixitfaster.com to re-activate." ); } else { alert("An account already exists with this Email-id."); } } }); } else { alert(error.message ? error.message : "Please try again later."); $(this).attr("disabled", false); } }, }); } else { alert("Please read and accept the terms"); } }); $(document).on("submit", "#fixer-form", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); $(document).on("click", ".btn-getStarted", function (e) { /* window.lintrk('track', { conversion_id: 11006828 }); */ window.lintrk('track', { conversion_id: 11106604 }); showSuggestions('fixer_address'); var email = $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_email").val(), password = $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_password").val() if (!validatePassword(password)) { alert("*Your Password must be 8 characters long and include one uppercase letter, a number and/or special character."); return false; } if (email === "") { /*alert("Please enter an email to sign up");*/ $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_email").after("*Please enter an email to sign up."); setTimeout(function(){ $('.emailvalidationMessage').remove(); }, 2000); return false; }else{ $(".emailvalidationMessage").remove(); } if (!validateEmail(email)) { /*alert("please enter a valid email address");*/ $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_email").after("*Please enter a valid email address."); setTimeout(function(){ $('.patternvalidationMessage').remove(); }, 2000); return false; }else{ $(".patternvalidationMessage").remove(); } var userquery = new Parse.Query("_User"); userquery.equalTo("username", email.toLowerCase().trim()); userquery.first().then( function (user) { if (user) { alert("An account already exists with this Email-id."); return false; } else { $(".signup-step-one").show(); $(".progressContainer").show(); $("#trail-btn").show(); $(".elementor-field-group-fixer_serviceTypes").show(); $(".signup-step-two").hide(); $(".btn-getStarted").hide(); } }, function (error) { alert("Something went wrong, please try again"); return false; } ); }); $(document).on( "click", '#fixer-signup-new button[type="submit"]', function (e) { showSuggestions('fixer_address'); console.log(showSuggestions('fixer_address')); var businessname = $( "#fixer-signup-new #form-field-fixer-business-name" ).val(), fixername = $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_name").val(), email = $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_email").val(), services = $( "#fixer-signup-new #form-field-fixer_serviceTypes" ).val(), phonenumber = $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_mobile_number").val(), password = $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_password").val(), refcode = $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_referral").val(), address = $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_address").val(); /*postcode = $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_postcode").val();*/ if (fixername === "") { /*alert("Please enter your name");*/ $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_name").after("*Please enter your name."); setTimeout(function(){ $('.namevalidationMessage').remove(); }, 5000); return false; }else{ $(".namevalidationMessage").remove(); } if (businessname === "") { /*alert("Please enter your business name");*/ $("#fixer-signup-new #form-field-fixer-business-name").after("*Please enter your Business Name."); setTimeout(function(){ $('.businessnamevalidation').remove(); }, 5000); return false; }else{ $(".businessnamevalidation").remove(); } if (services === null) { /*alert("please enter a valid Service Type");*/ $(".elementor-field-group-fixer_serviceTypes").after("*Please enter a valid Service Type."); setTimeout(function(){ $('.servicetypevalidation').remove(); }, 5000); return false; }else{ $(".servicetypevalidation").remove(); } if (phonenumber === "") { /* alert("Phone number should be 8-10 characters");*/ $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_mobile_number").after("*Please enter a Phone Number."); setTimeout(function(){ $('.phonenumevalidation').remove(); }, 5000); return false; }else{ $(".phonenumevalidation").remove(); } if (phonenumber.length < 8) { /* alert("Phone number should be 8-10 characters");*/ $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_mobile_number").after("*The number you entered is invalid. Please try again."); setTimeout(function(){ $('.phoneevalidation').remove(); }, 5000); return false; }else{ $(".phoneevalidation").remove(); } if (address === "") { /*alert("Please enter a valid address");*/ $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_address").after("*Please enter address."); setTimeout(function(){ $('.addressnullvalidation').remove(); }, 5000); return false; }else{ $(".addressnullvalidation").remove(); } if (address.length === 0 ) { /*alert("Please enter a valid address");*/ $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_address").after("*The address you entered is invalid. Please try again"); setTimeout(function(){ $('.addressvalidation').remove(); }, 5000); return false; }else{ $(".addressvalidation").remove(); } /*if (postcode.length === 0 || isNaN(postcode)) { alert("Please enter a valid postcode"); $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_postcode").after("*Please enter a valid postcode."); setTimeout(function(){ $('.postcodevalidation').remove(); }, 5000); return false; }else{ $(".postcodevalidation").remove(); }*/ if(address && preferredLocation.length != 0){ preferredLocation[0].addressString = address; }else{ $("#fixer-signup-new #fixer_address").after("*The address you entered is invalid. Please try again"); setTimeout(function(){ $('.addressvalidation').remove(); }, 5000); return false; } var userObj = new Parse.User(); userObj.setUsername(email.toLowerCase().trim()); userObj.setPassword(password); userObj.set("email", email.toLowerCase().trim()); userObj.set("name", fixername); userObj.set("userType", "Trader"); userObj.set("isVerified", false); userObj.set("status", "Pending"); if(preferredLocation) { userObj.set("preferredLocation", preferredLocation); } userObj.set("isCheckedIn", false); userObj.set("mobileNumber", "+61" + phonenumber); userObj.set("companyName", businessname); if (newlogin) { userObj.set("referredBy", newlogin); } else if (refcode) { userObj.set("referredBy", refcode); } userObj.set("postcode", fixerPostCode ? fixerPostCode : "2000"); userObj.set("location", getGeoLocation(fixerPostCode ? fixerPostCode : "2000")); userObj.set("isCompany", true); var trades = []; for (var i = 0; i < services.length; i++) { trades.push({ __type: "Pointer", className: "Trades", objectId: services[i], }); } userObj.set("trades", trades); $(this).attr("disabled", true); preloader.show(); localStorage.setItem("isFirstTimeUser", "true"); userObj.signUp(null, { success: function (data) { localStorage.removeItem("invite"); $("#fixer-signup-new #trail-btn").attr("disabled", false); $(this).attr("disabled", false); preloader.hide(); if (data.get("location")) { data.set("locationName", getLocationName(data.get("location"))); } data.save(); localStorage.setItem("signup-step1", true); if (data) { $(".stripe-contact-name").html(data.get("companyName")); $(".stripe-contact-email").html(data.get("email")); } pricing_plan_selected = localStorage.getItem( "pricing_plan_selected" ); if (!pricing_plan_selected) { // $(".signup-flow-2, .step-1").hide(); // $(".step-2, .signup-flow-1").show(); /* window.location.href = window.location.origin + "/admin/index.html";*/ gtag_report_conversion(window.location.origin + "/console") } else { user_selected_plan = pricing_plan_selected; $(".signup-flow-1, .step-1").hide(); $(".step-3, .signup-flow-2").show(); $("#start-freetrail-btn").prop("disabled", true); } $("html").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }); }, error: function (object, error) { $("#fixer-signup-new #trail-btn").attr("disabled", false); preloader.hide(); if (error.code === 202) { var userquery = new Parse.Query(Parse.User); userquery.equalTo("email", object.get("email")); userquery.find().then(function (currentuser) { if (currentuser.length > 0) { if (currentuser[0].get("isActive") === false) { Parse.User.logOut(); alert( "Your account is deactivated Please contact administrator at team@fixitfaster.com to re-activate." ); } else { alert("An account already exists with this Email-id."); } } }); } else { alert(error.message ? error.message : "Please try again later."); $(this).attr("disabled", false); } }, }); } ); $(document).on("submit", "#fixer-signup-new", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); $(document).on("keyup", ".cc_add_field", function (e) { var card_num = $("#fixit_card").val(), card_name = $("#fixit_cardName").val(), card_month = $("#fixit_expiry_month").val(), card_year = $("#fixit_expiry_year").val(), card_cvc = $("#fixit_cvc").val(); if ( card_num.length == 16 && card_name && card_month && card_year && card_cvc.length == 3 ) { $("#start-freetrail-btn").addClass("active"); $("#start-freetrail-btn").prop("disabled", false); } else { $("#start-freetrail-btn").removeClass("active"); $("#start-freetrail-btn").prop("disabled", true); } }); $(document).on("click", ".breadcrumb li", function () { var step = $(this).data("step"); if (step !== 1) { if (step == 3) { if (!user_selected_plan) { alert("Please select a plan to proceed"); return false; } } $(".step-1, .step-2, .step-3").hide(); $(".step-" + step).show(); } else { alert("Action not allowed."); } }); function onCreditCardSubmit() { var cardNumber = $("#fixit_card").val(), cardholderName = $("#fixit_cardName").val(), card_cvc = $("#fixit_cvc").val(), expiryMonth = $("#fixit_expiry_month").val(), expiryYear = $("#fixit_expiry_year").val(); if (cardNumber.length === 0) { alert("Please enter Card Number"); return false; } if (cardNumber.length !== 16 || !isValidNumber(cardNumber)) { alert("Invalid Card Number"); return false; } if (cardholderName === "") { alert("Please Enter Card Holder Name"); return false; } if (!expiryMonth && !expiryYear) { showAlertMessage("Please select Expiry Month and Year"); return false; } if (!expiryMonth) { showAlertMessage("Please select Expiry Month"); return false; } if (!expiryYear) { showAlertMessage("Please select Expiry Year"); return false; } if (card_cvc.length === 0) { alert("CVV Number cannot be empty"); return false; } if ( card_cvc.length > 3 || card_cvc.length < 3 || !isValidNumber(card_cvc) ) { alert("Invalid CVV Number"); return false; } preloader.show(); Stripe.setPublishableKey("pk_live_CPHXgsFlvGuVRPQfXgWUhctP"); Stripe.card.createToken( { number: cardNumber, cvc: card_cvc, exp_month: expiryMonth, exp_year: expiryYear, name: cardholderName, }, stripeCardResponseHandler ); } $(document).on( "click", '#credit-card-form button[type="submit"]', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); onCreditCardSubmit(); } ); $(document).on("submit", "#credit-card-form", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); $(document).on("click", "#start-freetrail-btn", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); onCreditCardSubmit(); }); function stripeCardResponseHandler(status, response) { var user = Parse.User.current(); if (user) { user.fetch().then(function (user) { var email = user.get("email"); $.ajax({ headers: { "X-Parse-Application-Id": PARSE_APP_ID, "X-Parse-REST-API-Key": PARSE_REST_API_KEY, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, type: "POST", dataType: "JSON", cache: true, url: Parse.serverURL + "/functions/addCard", data: JSON.stringify({ stripeToken: response.id, customerName: response.name, stripeCustomerId: user.get("stripeCustomerId"), email: email, }), success: function (jsonResult) { // preloader.hide(); // if (user_selected_plan !== "BusinessPlanLarge") { if (user_selected_plan !== "FreeProvider") { saveSubscription(); } else { localStorage.removeItem("signup-step1"); localStorage.removeItem("pricing_plan_selected"); localStorage.removeItem("summaryData"); window.location.href = window.location.origin + "/console"; } // } // else { // localStorage.removeItem("pricing_plan_selected"); // localStorage.removeItem("summaryData"); // localStorage.removeItem("signup-step1"); // window.location.href = window.location.origin + "/admin/index.html"; // } }, error: function (object, error) { preloader.hide(); alert("Your card was declined. Please verify your details"); return false; }, }); }); } } function saveSubscription() { var user = Parse.User.current(); user.fetch().then(function (user) { if (user && user_selected_plan && user_selected_plan !== "") { var amount = 27.5, email = user.get("email"), quantity = null, stripeCustomerId = user.get("stripeCustomerId"); amount = user_selected_plan !== "SoleProvider" ? user_selected_plan === "BusinessPlanSmall" ? 53.9 : 82.5 : 27.5; if ( user_selected_plan == "soleproviderannually" || user_selected_plan == "BusinessPlanSmallAnnually" || user_selected_plan == "BusinessPlanLargeAnnually" ) { amount = user_selected_plan !== "soleproviderannually" ? user_selected_plan === "BusinessPlanSmallAnnually" ? 541.2 : 884.4 : 277.2; } if (user_selected_plan === "BusinessPlanSmall") { user_selected_plan = "GrowthPlanMonthly"; } if (user_selected_plan === "BusinessPlanSmallAnnually") { user_selected_plan = "GrowthPlanAnnually"; } if (user_selected_plan == "BusinessPlanLarge") { user_selected_plan = "BusinessPlanSmall"; var addTechs = parseInt($(".total_technicians").val()) || 4; var total = 75 + (addTechs - 4) * 25, gst = total * 0.1; amount = total + Number(gst.toFixed(1)); } if (user_selected_plan == "BusinessPlanLargeAnnually") { user_selected_plan = "BusinessPlanSmallAnnually"; var addTechs = parseInt($(".total_technicians").val()); var total = (67 + (addTechs - 4) * 25) * 12, gst = total * 0.1; amount = total + Number(gst.toFixed(1)); } quantity = user_selected_plan == "BusinessPlanLargeVolume" || user_selected_plan == "BusinenessPlanTiredAnnually" ? parseInt($(".total_technicians").val()) : null; if (!stripeCustomerId) { alert("Please add a card to subscribe!"); } else { $.ajax({ headers: { "X-Parse-Application-Id": PARSE_APP_ID, "X-Parse-REST-API-Key": PARSE_REST_API_KEY, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, type: "POST", dataType: "JSON", cache: true, url: Parse.serverURL + "/functions/paidSubscription", data: JSON.stringify({ email: email, plan: user_selected_plan, stripeCustomerId: stripeCustomerId, token: "", }), success: function (jsonResult) { var paymentsObj = Parse.Object.extend("Payments"), payments = new paymentsObj(); payments.set("user", user); payments.set("subscriptionId", jsonResult.result.id); payments.set("customerId", jsonResult.result.customer); payments.set("plan", user_selected_plan); payments.set("amount", parseFloat(amount)); payments.save(null, { success: function () { user.set("isSubscriber", true); user.set("subscriberPlan", user_selected_plan); user.set("stripeCustomerId", jsonResult.result.customer); user.set("subscriptionId", jsonResult.result.id); user.save(null, { success: function () { localStorage.removeItem("signup-step1"); localStorage.removeItem("pricing_plan_selected"); localStorage.removeItem("summaryData"); window.location.href = window.location.origin + "/console"; }, error: function (object, error) { handleError(error); alert( e.message ? e.message : "Something went wrong, please try again" ); }, }); }, error: function (object, error) { preloader.hide(); alert("Something went wrong. Please try again later."); }, }); }, error: function (object, error) { preloader.hide(); var message = "Something went wrong. Please try again later."; if (object.responseJSON.error === "Already Subscribed") { message = "Already subscribed to this plan!"; } alert(message); return false; }, }); } } }); } function isValidNumber(number) { for (var i = 0; i <= number.length; i++) { if (isNaN(number[i])) { return true; } } return false; } $(document).on("click", ".skip-now-btn", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); localStorage.removeItem("signup-step1"); localStorage.removeItem("pricing_plan_selected"); localStorage.removeItem("summaryData"); window.location.href = window.location.origin + "/console"; }); $(document).on("click", "#select-plan-btn", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!user_selected_plan) { alert("Please select a plan to proceed"); return false; } var user = Parse.User.current(); if (user) { $(".stripe-contact-name").html(user.get("companyName")); $(".stripe-contact-email").html(user.get("email")); } $(".step-2").hide(); $(".step-3, .signup-flow-1").show(); $("#start-freetrail-btn").prop("disabled", true); $("html").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }); }); $(document).on("click", ".plan-card", function () { var plan = $(this).data("plan"), plan_name_short = $(this).data("planname"), plan_interval = $(this).data("interval"), price = plan !== "SoleProvider" ? plan === "BusinessPlanSmall" ? "$49.00" : "$75.00" : "$25.00"; if (plan_interval == "yearly") { price = plan !== "soleproviderannually" ? plan === "BusinessPlanSmallAnnually" ? 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vidWrap.children(".video-thumbnail").fadeOut(); vidWrap.children(".video-play").fadeOut(); vidWrap.find(".video iframe").attr("src", iframePlay); }); function getTradeTypes(ele) { var Trades = Parse.Object.extend("Trades"), query = new Parse.Query(Trades); query.ascending("name"); query.select("name"); query.limit(1000); query.find().then( function (results) { tradesResultsObject = results; var tags = []; for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { var object = results[i]; mapObject[object.id] = object.get("name"); tradeObjects[object.get("name")] = object.id; tags.push(object.get("name")); } if (ele) { renderTradesList($("#" + ele)); } }, function (error) { showNetworkConnectionMessage(error); } ); } function renderTradesList(ele) { var tags = []; for (var i = 0; i < tradesResultsObject.length; i++) { var object = tradesResultsObject[i]; tags.push(object.get("name")); } // don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item ele.on("keydown", function (event) { if ( event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB && $(this).autocomplete("instance").menu.active ) { event.preventDefault(); } }); ele.autocomplete({ minLength: 0, source: function (request, response) { // delegate back to autocomplete, but extract the last term response($.ui.autocomplete.filter(tags, extractLast(request.term))); }, search: function () { // custom minLength var term = extractLast(this.value); if (term.length < 1) { return false; } }, focus: function () { // prevent value inserted on focus return false; }, select: function (event, ui) { var terms = split(this.value); // remove the current input terms.pop(); // add the selected item if (terms.length < 3) { terms.push(ui.item.value); } else { showAlertMessage("Please select only three trade types!"); } // add placeholder to get the comma-and-space at the end terms.push(""); this.value = terms; return false; }, }); ele.trigger("create"); } function extractLast(term) { return split(term).pop(); } function split(val) { return val.split(/,\s*/); } function getURLParam(name, url) { if (!url) { url = window.location.href; } var results = new RegExp("[\\#&]" + name + "/([^&#]*)").exec(url); if (!results) { return undefined; } return results[1] || undefined; } /*$(document).on('click', '.navbar-toggle', function () { if($(window).width() < 768){ setTimeout(function() { $('.navbar-collapse').css('height',$(window).height()); },400); } });*/ $(document).on("click", "#navToContact", function () { if (logInEmail && LogInPassword) { Parse.User.logIn(logInEmail.toLowerCase(), LogInPassword).then( function (user) { if (user) { if (user.get("isActive") === false) { user.set("isActive", true); user.save(null, { success: function () { window.location.href = window.location.origin + "/console"; }, error: function (object, error) { handleError(error); alert( e.message ? e.message : "Something went wrong, please try again" ); }, }); } else { window.location.href = "https://www.fixitfaster.com/contact/"; } } }, function (e) { alert( e.message ? e.message : "Something went wrong, please try again" ); } ); } //window.location.href = "https://www.fixitfaster.com/contact/"; }); }); function removeSpace(event) { var k = event ? event.which : window.event.keyCode; if (k == 32) return false; } $(document).on("click", '#SignupFacility button[type="submit"]', function (e) { var name = $("#SignupFacility #form-field-fixer-business-name").val(), email = $("#SignupFacility #fixer_email").val(), password = $("#SignupFacility #fixer_password").val(), referral = $("#SignupFacility #fixer_referral").val(), list = []; var reg = /^((\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*)\s*[,]{0,1}\s*)+$/; if (name === "") { alert("Please enter your business name"); return false; } if (email === "") { alert("Please enter an email to sign up"); return false; } if (!reg.test(email)) { alert("please enter a valid email address"); return false; } if (password === "") { alert("Password enter your password"); return false; } if (password !== "" && password.length < 6) { alert("Password should be at least 6 characters"); return false; } var userObj = new Parse.User(); userObj.setUsername(email.toLowerCase()); userObj.setPassword(password); userObj.set("email", email.toLowerCase()); userObj.set("name", name); userObj.set("userType", "Non-trader"); if (referral) { userObj.set("referredBy", referral); } userObj.signUp(null, { success: function (user) { if (user) { list.push(user.id); $.ajax({ headers: { "X-Parse-Application-Id": PARSE_APP_ID, "X-Parse-REST-API-Key": PARSE_REST_API_KEY, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, type: "POST", dataType: "JSON", cache: true, url: Parse.serverURL + "/functions/makeModerator", data: JSON.stringify({ usersList: list, isPropertyManager: true, }), success: function () { window.location.href = window.location.origin + "/console"; list = []; }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(errorThrown); return false; }, }); } }, error: function (object, error) { if (error.code === 202) { var userquery = new Parse.Query(Parse.User); userquery.equalTo("email", object.get("email")); userquery.find().then(function (currentuser) { if (currentuser.length > 0) { if (currentuser[0].get("isActive") === false) { Parse.User.logOut(); alert( "Your account is deactivated Please contact administrator at team@fixitfaster.com to re-activate." ); } else { alert("An account already exists with this email address."); } } }); } else { alert(error.message ? error.message : "Please try again later."); $(this).attr("disabled", false); } return false; }, }); }); function showSuggestions(id) { var jobResidencyAddress = document.getElementById(id); var options = { componentRestrictions: { country: "au", }, }; autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete( jobResidencyAddress, options ); google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, "place_changed", function () { preferredLocation = []; var place = autocomplete.getPlace(); var data = { "id": place.place_id, "addressString": place.formatted_address, "locationLatLng": { "latitude": place.geometry.location.lat(), "longitude": place.geometry.location.lng() }, "type": "Preferred Location" } preferredLocation.push(data) isAddressChanged = !place.geometry; for (var i = 0; i < place.address_components.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < place.address_components[i].types.length; j++) { if ( place.address_components[i].types[j] === "postal_code" && place.address_components[i].long_name ) { fixerPostCode = place.address_components[i].long_name; } } for (var j = 0; j < place.address_components[i].types.length; j++) { if ( place.address_components[i].types[j] === "administrative_area_level_1" && place.address_components[i].short_name ) { $("#propertyState").val(place.address_components[i].short_name); } } } }); setTimeout(function () { $(".pac-container").prependTo(".geo-autocomplete"); }, 500); } var PARSE_APP_ID = "dDCLItKaPqINj7AJSVk1k87AybNmVDqa9V1bEkvx", PARSE_REST_API_KEY = "kdMNLpGfphAgPpA5iN4rSnxq4cLKn6WXs74aq3OF", PARSE_JS_KEY = "mmPb4Iwr7f34fPH2Wk0DtzfwPmAYF6XD6fSTFxFT", tradesResultsObject = "", mapObject = [], tradeObjects = [], newlogin = "", userlink = "", planAmount = "", isExistingUser = false, pricing_plan_selected = null, user_selected_plan = null, logInEmail, preferredLocation =[], LogInPassword, fixerPostCode = '';